墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4916
墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4917

A. The gender differences could be due to a slight decline in humor scores as the men aged, the authors suggest.   

B. Norwegian researchers reported findings from a 15-year study on the link between sense of humor and mortality among 53,556 women and men in their country.   

C. In men, a link was found only for the risk of death from infection—those with high humor scores had a 74 percent reduced risk.   

D. The findings show that for women, high scores on humor‘s cognitive component were associated with 48 percent less risk of death from all causes, a 73 percent lower risk of death from heart disease and an 83 percent lower risk of death from infection.   

E. The team assessed the cognitive, social and affective components of humor using a validated questionnaire, and examined death from specific conditions.

Answers: B E D C A
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