墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2910
2016/10/17墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2912
A - The reptilian cortex also houses the “startle centre”, a mechanism that facilitates swift reactions to unexpected occurrences in our surroundings.
B - The first of our three brains to evolve is what scientists call the reptilian cortex.
C - We are not required to consciously “think” about these activities.
D - This brain sustains the elementary activities of animal survival such as respiration, adequate rest and a beating heart.
Answers: B, D, C, A
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。