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【PTE词汇】听力阅读口语高频,Media Literacy相关词汇



subject area 主题范围

a branch of knowledge

literacy n. 读写能力

the ability to read and write

interdisciplinary adj. 各学科间的,跨学科的

drawing from two or more fields of study

experiential adj. 经验的,经验上的

of or relating to direct observation or participation

medium adj. 中间的

the surrounding environment

digital camera 数字摄像机,数字相机

a camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction

hands-on adj. 亲身实践的

involving active participation

blog n. 博客

an online journal where people post about their experiences

curriculum n. 日程,总课程

an integrated course of academic studies

evaluate v. 评价,评估

estimate the nature, quality, ability or significance of

literate adj. 受过教育的,精通文学的

able to read and write

digital adj. 数字的

relating to or performed with the fingers

assimilate v. 吸收,同化

make alike

proficient adj. 精通,熟练

having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

ethical adj. 伦理的,道德的

conforming to accepted standards of social behavior

emerging adj. 新兴的,出现的

coming into existence

retention n. 保留,扣留

the act of keeping something

embed v. 嵌入,使深入

fix or set securely or deeply

reflective adj. 反射的,反映的

capable of physically throwing back light or sound

manipulation n. 操纵,操作

exerting shrewd or devious influence for one’s own advantage

teaching n. 教学

the activities of educating or instructing

cooperative adj. 合作的

involving the joint activity of two or more

learning n. 学习

the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge

math n. 数学

a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement

foster v. 抚育,培养

providing nurture though not related by blood or legal ties

values n. 价值观念

beliefs of a group in which they have emotional investment

component n. 成分,组件

one of the individual parts making up a larger entity

creation n. 创造

the act of starting something for the first time

partnership n. 合伙

a cooperative relationship between people or groups

professional adj. 专业的

of or relating to or suitable as an occupation

propaganda n. 宣传

information that is spread to promote some cause

online adj. 在线的,网络上的

connected to a computer network or accessible by computer

engage v. 占用,参与

consume all of one’s attention or time

interpret v. 解释,说明

make sense of; assign a meaning to

technology n. 技术,工艺

the practical application of science to commerce or industry

access n. 进入,使用权

the right to enter

embrace v. 拥抱

squeeze tightly in your arms, usually with fondness

point of view 观点,见地

a mental position from which things are perceived

arts n. 文科

studies intended to provide general knowledge and skills

inquiry n. 质询,探究

an instance of questioning

characteristic adj. 典型的

typical or distinctive

production n. 成果,产品

the act or process of making something

style n. 风格,类型

how something is done or how it happens

individual n. 个人,个体

being or characteristic of a single thing or person

(Source: Vocabulary.com)






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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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