【PTE真题】Read Aloud拿不准?我到底是什么水平?权威名师逐字逐句为你详细解读,考点和陷阱一网打尽~
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exhilarate v. 使高兴,使振奋

fill with sublime emotion

e.g. “To see Yosemite Falls coming to life this morning is truly exhilarating,” Park Superintendent Don Neubacher said in a statement. 

falter v. 蹒跚,衰退,摇摇欲坠

move hesitatingly, as if about to give way

e.g.“The rocket has faltered, but it won’t crash,” he said.

foresight n. 先见,远见

seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing

e.g.But nobody had the wherewithal or foresight to think that day would actually happen.


fragrance n. 香味,芬芳

a distinctive odor that is pleasant

e.g. After 30 minutes in the oven, what hits you first is the enticing, warm fragrance that fills your kitchen.

furtive adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的,神神秘秘的

secret and sly or sordid

e.g. What muffled whispers do they share, what furtive games are they playing?

grueling adj. 使精疲力尽的

characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

e.g. As of Dec. 19, 22 students will have made it through a grueling curriculum that requires about 700 hours of computer code.

gusto n. 爱好,嗜好

vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

e.g.They each approach their tasks with gusto that can only be admired, even if the results can’t.

habitation n. 居住,住所

the act of dwelling in or living permanently in a place

e.g. Although the area is not fit for human habitation, many poor people who work in the coal mines live here.

hasten v. 加速

speed up the progress of; facilitate

e.g. Rather than wait for that day, he set out to hasten its arrival.


headway n. 前进,进步

forward movement

e.g. At times, you feel like you’re struggling to run forward, going through the motions but making no headway, frozen in place.

ignite v. 点燃

cause to start burning

e.g. Firefighters say the blaze started when stain-soaked rags ignited on the front porch.

illuminate v. 照亮,阐明

make free from confusion or ambiguity

e.g. The problem is that for illuminating answers, you need to ask the right questions.


impending adj. 即将发生的

close in time; about to occur

e.g. First, he gives the enemy 12 days of warning about impending air attacks.


imperious adj. 专横的

having or showing arrogant superiority to

e.g. It was a little scary how quickly he flipped from friendly to imperious.

jabber v. 急促不清的说话

talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner

e.g. A parrot jabbered atop its cage and a monkey squealed and battered at its bronze ring, until its owner brought bananas.

jargon n. 行话,术语

technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject

e.g. Steer clear of jargon, me-too claims, and statements without substance.

jostle n. 推撞 v. 推挤

make one’s way by pushing or shoving

e.g. In Jerusalem, great religions have crowded and jostled their way down through millenniums.

jut v. 突出,伸出 n. 尖端

extend out or project in space

e.g. From its long beak juts a fearsome tooth.

kindle v. 点燃,激动

call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

e.g. Recently in class I saw the fire of an idea flicker in a first-year student’s eyes—and so to kindle it I cold-called him.

knoll n. 小山

a small natural hill

e.g. The home, set on a quarter-acre knoll, has views of the city, the Hollywood Reservoir and the Hollywood sign.

luminous adj. 发光的

softly bright or radiant

e.g. It was briefly one of the most luminous stars in the galaxy.

malleable adj. 可塑的

easily influenced

e.g. “Memory is so malleable or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created.”

materialize v. 具象化,成型

come into being; become reality

e.g. By the time people reach their 70s, they’re beginning to look back at the plans they made and dreams they had that never materialized.

meander n. 漫步

move or cause to move in a sinuous or circular course

e.g. Instead of straight paths and noisy throngs, the new park will have meandering walkways and quiet places for picnicking nestled in gently sloping “lawn valleys.”

meticulous adj. 一丝不苟的

marked by extreme care in treatment of details

e.g. It’s a six-page scene and very meticulous, step by step.

misgiving n. 担忧,疑虑

uneasiness about the fitness of an action

e.g. Quite a few said they had come despite the misgivings of parents who wanted them to focus on studying.

momentum n. 冲劲,势头

an impelling force or strength

e.g. Mitchell believed that a song’s momentum should always push upward, ascending like the slope of a mountain into the unknown.

monotonous adj. 单调的

sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch

e.g. Unfortunately, their monotonous verbiage reminds me of Charlie Brown’s teacher in the “Peanuts” TV shows.

multitude n. 群众,多数

a large indefinite number

e.g. They surround you in their multitudes – hundreds, maybe thousands of them, swooping and stinging and injecting venom into your flesh.

muster n. 集合,检阅

gather or bring together

e.g. Fans chanted and hollered and enriched the arena with as much life as they could possibly muster.

narrate v. 叙述

give a detailed account of

e.g. Standing amid bags of garbage, he starts sorting, tearing open plastic bags and narrating his finds.

(Source: Vocabulary.com)






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